
...we all know it, that quarter from Paris with Sacré Coeur kitsch-temple on top, with "painters" on the street and of course Place Pigalle and Moulin Rouge.


But think about. Montmartre = Mars' mountain. Martyrs mountain. In fact in the early days of christianity much people were killed (and buried) there because of their belief. In late 19.century, during the days of "Commune de Paris" Montmartre was a center of the insurgents, who hide lots of ammunition in the cellars and caves of the hill.


"Set on a hill 130 meters high, the area of Montmartre looks grandly out over all of Paris. The name "Montmartre" comes from "Mont des Martyrs" (the bishop St. Denis, the priest Rustique, and the archdeacon Eleuthère were all decapitated there around the year 250). In the 12th century, Benedictine monks built a monastery near Rue des Abesses. It later became the seat of a powerful abbey.

The Montmartre area was the center of a lot of activity during the Paris Commune in 1871. Despite the resistance of the people of Montmartre, the area remained under Federal control from March 18 until May 23.

The end of the 19th century saw Montmartre to be the center of artistic life in Paris and the model of a free, bohemian existence. Many artists, from Berlioz to Picasso, lived, worked, and played here. These creative spirits (and their café, the Lapin Agile) helped keep this area the city's intellectual and artistic center up until the first World War."




Even today we find "Rue des Martyrs".


Tourist Maritta wrote to Ruth: "Rue des Martyrs

This is our favourite street in Paris

There is nothing special, but very french atmosphere with all kinds of shops: shoes, wine, horse butcher, women's underwear, bakery, bags, bistro, hairdresser - just everything.

Normally you can see Montmartre with Sacré Coeur in the background but here it vanishes in the haze. We found a hotel in a calm side street, there are wonderful restaurants around and after diner we use to climb up to Montmartre ('digestion-walk', as we say). .."


Rue des Martyrs


"She had been faithful to him in the fashion of Montmartre..."


Montmartre – Viertel der Wäscherinnen. „Berg des Mars“. In den Revolutionen immer Widerstandsnest. Künstlerviertel. Prostitution. Ein Weinberg. Angeblich völlig unterkellert und untertunnelt. Grabberg seit jeher, auch heute noch großer Friedhof. Rue des Martyrs. Märtyrer = Marsianer = die wahren Kämpfer? Vielleicht in Zukunft Wohnviertel für Marsianer der A-Klasse. Jetzt aber= Goutte d’Or (Goldener Tropfen) =Afrikanerviertel. Auf der Spitze die Spitze des Kitsch = Sacré Coeur, Heiliges Herz Herrgottsakra!