Piri Reis

Piri Reis (full name Hadji Muhiddin Piri Ibn Hadji Mehmed) (about 1465 – 1554 or 1555) was an Ottoman-Turkish admiral and cartographer born between 1465 and 1470 in Gallipoli on the Dardanelles.

He went to sea in the ottoman fleet and became Admiral (Reis). But nowadays he is known for his Kitab-i Bahrieh (Book of the Navy), in which he collected the maps he draw, and most of all for his marvelous world map from 1513, found somewhere in Topkapı Saray 1929.

He fought many battles to sea and to land and when he was over 90 years, an old man, he refused to obey to the governor of Basra and was beheaded in public.



In same time lived :

Christopher Columbus

Süleyman the Magnificent, "the Grand Turk"

Emperor Charles V. ("in my empire the sun never sets")

Mimar Sinan, he is an architect who grew up in one of the most splendid periods of the Ottoman State, and who contributed to this era with his works. Besides mosques like Süleymaniye in İstanbul and Selimiye in Edirne he constructed the bridge over the Drina, described in the famous novel by Ivo Andric